We are contracted with most major insurance companies including:

Sage Physical Therapy
Sage Physical Therapy
Sage Physical Therapy
Sage Physical Therapy
Sage Physical Therapy
Sage Physical Therapy
Sage Physical Therapy
Sage Physical Therapy
We are in-network with Premera, Regence, Regence MedAdvantage, Boeing, BCBS, HMA, First Choice, Uniform (UMP), Cigna, LifeWise, Kaiser Access PPO, Labor & Industries (L&I), Auto Claims (PIP). We also offer a cash-pay option and if we are not in-network with your insurance plan we can provide you with a reimbursement receipt to submit to your insurance company for partial reimbursement.

As a courtesy to our patients, during the initial registration process, we will ask for your insurance information, birthdate, and full legal name to verify your benefits with your insurance company. Benefit verification quotes are only an estimation, not a guarantee of  eligibility, benefits, limitations, or payment. Payment will be determined by your insurance company, at the time a claim is received. We encourage our patients to call their insurance company and stay actively involved to ensure a smooth and informed completion of their care.

Contact us if you have any questions about if we are contracted with your specific insurance plan.